Sunday, June 30, 2013



Bloem (bloém, bloom)

Humans as carbon-based life forms are water-dependent, as the people of this world are fungus-dependent. Bloem is alive, essential, and availably growing in any area of the world. Found in patches, people eat bloem constantly, between every other indulgence and more if possible, to sustain their living beings. Without balanced chemical equation, it is ever-changing, ever-evolving, and evolutionarily necessary for the growth of the people. They have no thirst or need to drink, no access to water, nor any desire thereof; people only need bloem, or its juice, as a basic.

Ingestion of bloem is a different refreshing emotion depending on the evolved genesis of the plant. A person learns, (or remembers, arguably,) the truth, in a new light of sense. These situationally appropriate emotions always existed within the people, and the bloem is a reminder of the capabilities of change. A world revolving around bloem is an ever-changing world.

As this is not of a specific genus, patches of any shape or color, (usually found ripe at three to four inches tall, in many different textures, and with various shades and tints,) all wear individual patterns at close glance, similar to a human fingerprint. Although generally easy to identify, some poisonous plants disguise themselves similarly to what bloem might look like. Ingesting these hazardous plants can be sickening or fatal. If the plants appear to have a common growth pattern at close look then it is not a bloem patch. To distinguish properly one must look for different prints on the growths.


Writings of the Victor Family propose that in the most recent beginning of their time-space the inbred Family cast aside the Brewers, Mercantiles, Shelios and Golds. Memories indicate ancient peoples were more in touch with Knowledge than their descending counterparts.

Tales since the most recent beginning of the ancient Brewers, Mercantiles, Shelios and Golds were forgotten, remembered, tainted, maimed, switched, turned, twisted, belittled, perverted, misunderstood and entirely misrepresented as the generations that preceded them intermixed and changed everything. Possible truths trail through false tales from similar general knowledge. The interbreeds stretched to the edges of the solid and some proceeded on great ships to venture the liquid sea. Over-breeding and overpopulation caused both the cultivation and expansion of this discivilization.

In the most recent beginning, the ancient Brewers, Mercantiles, Shelios and Golds soon dissolved their essences in the fungus around them. Their physical attributes and emotional tendencies changed. Each sought new methods of plant evolution. Nectars and syrups of bark and root and butters and jellies of berry-like fruit were harvested under the light of day by branches, stems, leaves, buds, and seeds; any bite-sized bit would please. Energy evolved.

When energy is exerted it is also inverted to balance* at the Center with whatever it might encounter.

Day and Night

A giant cloud protects the inhabitants from a view of what sheds light and darkness for equal amounts of time. A day and night sequence on this planet is roughly a year on Earth; a bit under six months for each consecutively. From the Northern Waters and the bottom of eastern Northland can be seen, briefly, a perspective of the unknown capacity of these great shifts. Though few have witnessed this angle of the light shifts, all have heard a version of it through stories. Travelers describe the great land woven into the vast sea as it becomes suddenly ignited, or so suddenly black that even with this wide view it would take a moment for eyes to adjust. Less level-headed men may lose their minds upon display of this proportion. It is dangerous to think too much. The nature of light and darkness is near complete disregard, what with all the cloudiness.

Day comes and goes and comes and goes in just enough time to make one feel they've been waiting forever and the quarry may never rise again. Then there it is: either illumination or an obscuring darkness, fluctuating in the blink of an eye, whether one's ready for it or not. People do not have historic accounts, only stories, and the count of days and nights since the first story had been told was long ago miscalculated by the public, and given up on. Day and night are assumed mere coincidences, unnumbered and insignificant; simply accepted.

Shelio (she-lee-oo)

Relatable to creatures found on Earth, shelio are mammal-like; smaller than a bear and potential to be equally as fierce, with wool as soft as a vicuñas. They've the loyalty and manner of a dog. Bred in farms in the middle of south Southland, this species is used mostly by people as both a trade commodity and for general protection. Sometimes they are used to pull heavy loads, but not overworked. They're frequently supportive of a friend's (usually individual shelio's or person's) best interests and commonly present in exchanges. People's general perception is of an ally with no disrespect. Stories go that in less crowded times people tried to teach shelio more intelligent ways, such as talking, walking upright and building fire, but the creatures seemed completely incapable, undeveloped of essential digits, and lacking of speech tones other than growls. Nevertheless they're eager to give help, particularly to those with whom they have had close contact. More stories say that it is possible to gain the trust of a shelio instantly, and also to lose it instantly. Mistreatment or disrespect of shelio, although instances are rare, have been heard to result in disloyalty and vengeance. Perhaps since they are massively outnumbered, it is more likely for a one to fight another shelio than to attack a person, who, if alone, might only win if in possession of a weapon. Unlike people, shelio commonly mate for life. Most cases provide only one offspring per mating season for a shelio couple (twins rare) in the prime years of their life only, which averages out to 2.5 pups per parents. It is averaged that one-fifth die before reproducing so demographically the shelio population remains nearly the same day-to-day. It is also said that the behavior of shelio bred in the "wild," (outside a farm,) tends to be more rambunctious and harder to control than ones bred in captivity and are therefore of lesser and higher trade values, but there is no undisputed feature of evidence to conclude the validity of that assumption.


Flying accumulated energy with a wingspan, birds are prey of shelio and people, which results in their near extinction. Through a few generations of breeding birds fill skies, and duly, finding unclaimed feathers is rare. Memories stipulate them as quite delicious turned over a fire. Defined dominantly by bird wars, the era of the bird was fruitful, destructive, then associatively destructive.... People first fought over who would eat the birds, then later quarreled over the outstanding benefit of birds being eaten at all.


Mosquito is the collective name for all types of insects. They are rumored to be born independently of fungus, and not bred. According to memory, their population and evolution is increasing by lack of birds. Insects sense fearful energy of irrational people who don't want their bite or sting; mosquitoes are wary of their lives and defensive in these exponentially dangerous situations of phobia.

Cart (An invention, briefly)

First there was built the basic box, to put things in. Then there was built the wheel; a circular device one may set their box on, in order to push or pull quantities of items for trade, instead of carrying everything in a box. Wheels are large and carts narrow to navigate the uneven ground.

Innovation is kept simple; the easier it may be to familiarize with and utilize, the easier it is to teach, and continue. As adaptations differed and separated, common customs thrived in elementariness.

Brazilian Portuguese

The act of tenderly running one's fingers through someone's hair

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